Rabôt x Gena Milanesi Silk Scarf
RABÔT and fine artist Gena Milanesi collaborate to create a silk scarf.
This year’s 20”x20” statement scarf, made of luxurious silk charmeuse, features the work of Gena Milanesi, a multimedia artist whose work fluctuates between abstract and figurative, which is evident in this design. Gena created the artwork while in Tuscany where she attended the Banditto residency program. Tuscan food is based on the Italian idea of cucina povera or poor cooking. A concept based on simple meals that are inexpensive and could easily be made in large amounts.
More than 63,000 people experience homelessness in the Los Angeles area. LOS ANGELES MISSION breaks the cycle of homelessness and poverty by stabilizing people in a safe and spiritual environment, connecting them to solutions, and walking with them on their journey. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the scarf will be donated to the Los Angeles Mission, which, among other services, provides food boxes to low-income families.
The first 25 customers will receive the gift of an ink sketch on cold-pressed paper by artist Gena Milanesi that was hand drawn in Tuscany.